How is your health? How about abundance, are you unlimited? How about happiness? Are you wholly happy?
The proper order that establishes our reality is mind. Mind is where whole health is established. If there is conflict in the mind, the body will not be healthy.
Body is where we establish abundance. Abundance is not just about money, as it entails an accurate understanding of wholeness. Without a whole understanding that defines abundance, the chances are, the individual will chase just a fragment of the abundance they are entitled to.
Spirit is where our happiness is established. If there is a conflict in the mind that addresses the idea of the need for abundance over happiness, then the individual health will be obvious.
Anytime health is lost or in question, the conflict between abundance (body) and happiness (spirit) will intensify, and the individual will not understand what they should do to re-establish health in their body.
The problem boils down to seeing a whole picture. This is a whole picture that would be evident if the ego/mind/body had not been placed first in time over the spirit/mind/body. It is the Spirit that establishes the proper order in time, as it is the Spirit that communicates with the Heavens. Because we have lost touch with the Language of Heaven, our Spiritual Voice has been lost in time. This has left us at the mercy of a voice that speaks alien ego words of discontentment, anger, hurt, lack, limitations, fear, guilt, and the list goes on. These unnatural consequences are a result of allowing the ego/body to go first in time.
If you believe it is easy to "fix" these unnatural consequences, the next time you are really angry, just say to yourself, I am not going to be angry anymore and see how this works. Anger is a fragment of the subjected Spirit that is being violated by the ego/body that has been placed first in time. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of these Fragments of the Spirit that are being controlled by the ego. The only way to wholly free the Spirit so it can claim its proper position in time is to release all of the fragments of the Spirit that are being controlled by the ego/body. This is the purpose of the miracle.
Every time a fragment of the Spirit is released in time, a Sound is heard in Heaven. This Sound reverberates throughout the Heavens to proclaim that our world is beginning the Journey Home, or back to the beginning, where the Spirit will once again reclaim its rightful place in time. It is the job of the Miracle to make sure that not one fragment of the Spirit is lost, or left under the control of the ego/body.
The Miracle Agenda is to return the Spirit to Wholeness, as it is only in Wholeness that the Spirit will be able to claim the Kingdom of a New World awaits on the other side of a Rainbow Bridge that spans across time. As each fragment of the Spirit is released from ego/body bondage, the Miracle immediately scoops up this fragment. Once all of the fragments of the Spirit are gathered in time, they are released into the Kingdom, which is Heavens description of the New World. With the Spirit wholly restored to Righteousness, a New Journey in time begins. This is called the New Beginning.
What will this be like? The Bible states that eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard what is in store in this Kingdom.
We have a job to do, as we are the ones that have placed our Spirit under the direction of the ego/body. Granted, most of this atrocity occurred when we were children. However, there is a Universal Plan to help us release our Inno-Sense so we can claim our Spiritual Birth Right.
The Earth is not the birthright of the body, as the ego/body is destroying the Earth due to lack of understanding of what the Earth is for. We understand consciously that something is wrong, but we do not understand what. The Heavens have been planning the return of our whole Spirit into time for thousands of years. All we need to do now is prepare to follow this Plan.
Placing the Spirit first in time is something that we must personally and consciously become involved in, as we must consciously recognize that we must
agree to accept the offer that Heaven is providing to attain this collective goal.
The Living Water Frequencies were specifically developed to begin the process of consciously placing the Spirit first in time. The Living Water Frequencies slowly begin the process of Awakening the Fragments of the Spirit that have been placed under the dominating control of the ego.
When the individual consciously chooses to assign value to the Spirit by making a choice to Awaken the Spirit, a connection between consciousness and the Spirit begins to be established. Once this connection is complete, Heaven and Earth will be recognized as being One Wholeness Now.
$25.00 for a 4 oz bottle of the Living Water Frequency
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