For thousands of years, the time that the 3D world resides in has been supporting the evolution of the body. The Revolution of the Earth slowed down in order to keep pace with the 3D body. Our world is now at the end of the evolutionary line. Time has run out, and the Earth is ready to shift into a higher revolutionary gear. The problem is, people who are still acting like it is the body that the Universe looks to for its reality. It might be time to get over this.
Underneath the visual of what we see from the bodies perception, is another world. This is the Real World. The Real World is in perfect alignment with the Planet Earth. This is because the Real World recognizes the Spirit as being first in time. In the 3D world, we recognize the body as being first in time. Herein lies the problem.
The linear timeline that the body has been using to evolve on is like a stick. This stick carries opposing value. For instance, on one side of the stick there is birth, and at the other end of the stick is death. At one end of the stick there is health, and at the other end of the stick there is disease. At one end of the stick there is plenty of food for everyone, but at the other end of the stick there is starvation. The list goes on an on, but I am sure the reader will get the drift. So, herein lies the problem.
Let's just say that for the majority of your life that your body has been healthy, but all of a sudden you become ill. I am not talking the flu, I am talking about being really sick. This is the scenario once this occurs at the body level.
In the body, it is customary to claim what is wanted by using the body to force or manipulate external people, places, or things. This is done by picking up the stick at the end of what is wanted. Then what occurs is that the individual will go about beating on doors, or they will beat away everything that is seemingly standing in their way. This will unconsciously keep at bay the problems at the other end of the stick. or the opposing value of what one is seeking. Thus, they are claiming what they want by picking up the correct side of the stick that defines what is wanted.
When we are healthy, we may attempt to pick up a stick to keep ourselves healthy. This is encouraged by pharmaceuticals who are profiting from us being sick. Obviously, if the healthy end of the stick is already in your hand, why would you go to the other side of the stick to look for health? It is obviously not there if you already have it in your hand.
When we become ill, in our confusion, we will attempt to pick up the stick again, but now we have hold of the opposing value of health. This end of the stick is obviously sick in more ways than one. With the side of the stick that is obviously in poor health, we will begin the process of attempting to beat our health into submission with our disease. What we believe is fighting sickness is actually an attempt to beat our health. Does this make sense? this reasonable.
Health does not exist on either side of the stick. It relies on the pure energy coming from the Light of the Heavens, which only exists in the Now. The sun does not shine in the past, or in the future. It shines in the NOW. This is obviously where the Earth has received all of its uploads from.
This is the Now where the body does not exist, as the purpose of the body is to define its reality on a linear timeline, or a stick where opposing value lies.
The only aspect of the Self that can move into the middle of the linear timeline where NOW is comes from the Spirit. The problem is, the body is refusing to yield. Because of this, we keep attempting to find our Real value, and a truth that would define the New Earth, where it does not exist.
Miracles have always worked in the center of the linear timeline. The problem is, the body has always looked to either end of the stick to define its reality, but this is not where reality lies.
The linear timeline has ended. Because of this, the only aspect of time that is real is NOW, or where miracles are found. Exactly in the Center. or the Core where the Home of the Spirit resides.
Perhaps it is time to stop beating our Self up, let go of the stick, and learn to go where there are miracles. This is called NOW, the only aspect of time that is real. This is the aspect of time where the Spirit will claim its Rightful place in time, which is first place. This is what miracles can and will do for those of us who are stuck in a timezone that no longer exists.
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Underneath the visual of what we see from the bodies perception, is another world. This is the Real World. The Real World is in perfect alignment with the Planet Earth. This is because the Real World recognizes the Spirit as being first in time. In the 3D world, we recognize the body as being first in time. Herein lies the problem.
The linear timeline that the body has been using to evolve on is like a stick. This stick carries opposing value. For instance, on one side of the stick there is birth, and at the other end of the stick is death. At one end of the stick there is health, and at the other end of the stick there is disease. At one end of the stick there is plenty of food for everyone, but at the other end of the stick there is starvation. The list goes on an on, but I am sure the reader will get the drift. So, herein lies the problem.
Let's just say that for the majority of your life that your body has been healthy, but all of a sudden you become ill. I am not talking the flu, I am talking about being really sick. This is the scenario once this occurs at the body level.
In the body, it is customary to claim what is wanted by using the body to force or manipulate external people, places, or things. This is done by picking up the stick at the end of what is wanted. Then what occurs is that the individual will go about beating on doors, or they will beat away everything that is seemingly standing in their way. This will unconsciously keep at bay the problems at the other end of the stick. or the opposing value of what one is seeking. Thus, they are claiming what they want by picking up the correct side of the stick that defines what is wanted.
When we are healthy, we may attempt to pick up a stick to keep ourselves healthy. This is encouraged by pharmaceuticals who are profiting from us being sick. Obviously, if the healthy end of the stick is already in your hand, why would you go to the other side of the stick to look for health? It is obviously not there if you already have it in your hand.
When we become ill, in our confusion, we will attempt to pick up the stick again, but now we have hold of the opposing value of health. This end of the stick is obviously sick in more ways than one. With the side of the stick that is obviously in poor health, we will begin the process of attempting to beat our health into submission with our disease. What we believe is fighting sickness is actually an attempt to beat our health. Does this make sense? this reasonable.
Health does not exist on either side of the stick. It relies on the pure energy coming from the Light of the Heavens, which only exists in the Now. The sun does not shine in the past, or in the future. It shines in the NOW. This is obviously where the Earth has received all of its uploads from.
This is the Now where the body does not exist, as the purpose of the body is to define its reality on a linear timeline, or a stick where opposing value lies.
The only aspect of the Self that can move into the middle of the linear timeline where NOW is comes from the Spirit. The problem is, the body is refusing to yield. Because of this, we keep attempting to find our Real value, and a truth that would define the New Earth, where it does not exist.
Miracles have always worked in the center of the linear timeline. The problem is, the body has always looked to either end of the stick to define its reality, but this is not where reality lies.
The linear timeline has ended. Because of this, the only aspect of time that is real is NOW, or where miracles are found. Exactly in the Center. or the Core where the Home of the Spirit resides.
Perhaps it is time to stop beating our Self up, let go of the stick, and learn to go where there are miracles. This is called NOW, the only aspect of time that is real. This is the aspect of time where the Spirit will claim its Rightful place in time, which is first place. This is what miracles can and will do for those of us who are stuck in a timezone that no longer exists.
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